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5-Year Anniversary: Tyler Farr
Congratulations on 5 years of service, Tyler! Thank you for all you do! STT Security's Manager Tyler Farr reached recently reached his 5-year milestone! Read our interview with him detailing his experiences below: When did you start working for
5-Year Anniversary: Odess Howard
Congratulations on 5 years of service, Odess! Thank you for all you do! STT Security Officer Howard recently celebrated 5-years of successful service with STT Security! We took some time to detail his experiences below: When did you start
5-Year Anniversary: Trevor Carlson
Congratulations on 5 years of service, Trevor! Thank you for all you do! STT Security Officer Carlson recently reached his 5-year anniversary with STT! Read about his experiences below: When did you start working for STT? I started back
5-Year Anniversary: Dale Sensabaugh
Congratulations on 5 years of service, Dale! Thank you for all you do! STT Security Supervisor Dale Sensabaugh completed 5 years of service this past month. We took some time to ask him about his experiences below: When did you
5-Year Anniversary: Calcie Lucier
Congratulations on 5 years of service, Calcie! Thank you for all you do! STT Security Supervisor Calcie Lucier hit her 5-year anniversary with STT Security! She took some time to detail her experiences below: When did you start working
5-Year Anniversary: Karen Fussman
Congratulations on 5 years of service, Karen! Thank you for all you do! STT Security Officer Karen Fussman celebrated 5-years with STT! Learn more about Officer Fussman by reading our interview with her here: When did you start working