Investigations Solutions

Efficient, discreet, and effective

Executive Protection in Mount Pleasant, Michigan

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Our investigative division provides protection from internal and external threats to your business. STT’s investigative team boasts 100+ years of experience in both corporate and private matters. Learn how we can protect your assets.

Executive Protection

Some business matters require protection of high-interest individuals or resources. Especially in unfamiliar or foreign locations, personal security of your significant assets is necessary. Consider employing a combination of these services:

  • Discreet Protective Services
    • Our protective security solutions are discreet and covert. High-interest individuals will not appear protected to an unaware eye, but rest assured that they are covered from every angle. Our security personnel are trained in a variety of ways to protect personnel while staying out of the general public’s view. They are also trained to identify warning signs of violence and apprehend threats before they are able to take action.
  • Privacy and Safety Planning
    • Planning for any circumstance before, during, and after an event is necessary for the protection of high-value personnel. We work with you to create a route, plan, and course of actions that ensure the protection of your personnel. Despite any varying circumstances, our teams coordinate in advance so that there are no flaws in the security plan at any point.
  • Site and Venue Advances
    • Before your high-profile personnel or valuable assets travel to a new location, we intensively investigate the area in advance. We communicate with nearby businesses, residents, and other people within the surrounding area to thoroughly understand the environment in which your business’s assets are traveling to. Our investigative officers secure the entire property and identify potential vulnerabilities. Utilize our security services to scout out sites or venues before a significant anticipated event.
  • Armed and Unarmed Personnel
    • Dependent on the individual and the setting, some security solutions may require armed protection. We offer both armed and unarmed personnel for your executive protection security solution. Our organization works with yours to develop the most appropriate and effective security team to ensure the protection of some of your most valuable profiles.

Our Private Investigative Services Division offers a comprehensive set of solutions to help protect your organization from internal and external threats. We specialize in working not only with private businesses, but also with attorneys, law firms, and insurance companies throughout the country. Our investigators come from a diverse background of professional experiences in both the public and private sectors. The division is led by owner Jason VonReichbauer, a former police officer and detective.

If you suspect an employee is engaging in illicit or fraudulent behavior, we make sure to cover all of your bases:

  • Workers’ Compensation Investigation for disabled or dishonest employees
    • Surveillance
      • Discretely monitoring both physical location and behavior – as well as Internet activity – ensures the workers’ compensation claims are not falsified or exaggerated. This results in less liability and funds paid out from your business in the event that an employee exploits the workers’ compensation program and its benefits.
    • Site Investigation
      • Site investigations include checking medical records, employment records, and gathering miscellaneous evidence that could be relevant to a workers’ compensation claim. Whether something is out of place or just seems out of the ordinary, a thorough investigation can uncover details that might otherwise be overlooked and not considered.
    • Witness Interviews
      • Some of the most beneficial information can be gathered from people who witness an event that triggers a workers’ compensation claim. Whether or not they know it, bystanders and other witnesses can offer vital evidence that relieves your organization of liability for the claim.

Your business’s litigation can become costly, time-consuming, and start a slew of work for your public relations team. If it’s personal, your sensitive matters must be kept confidential and handled by professionals. Ensure that we have your back in any of the following areas you may need:

  • Process Serving
    • Our security teams are authorized by law to formally deliver summonses, subpoenas, and other official documents for a court of law. Whether your matter is personal, professional, or private, trust our security services to promptly and efficiently serve official court documents for you.
  • Witness Statements
    • There are many signs that a witness may display when giving a statement that a trained professional will pick up on. Whether they are being dishonest, withholding information, or unintentionally misremembering details, a witness’s statement holds a significant amount of power. When taking statements, it is imperative that all details be accurately recorded and cross-referenced with existing data. Our security solutions provide you with detailed and accurate witness statements that can assist your organization with any legal matters.
  • Child Custody Matters
    • We handle child custody investigations in the most appropriate manner possible. We understand that these are sensitive matters, and we work with you to ethically uncover relevant details regarding your concerns.
  • Infidelity
    • If you suspect there are infidelity issues, employ our investigative services to reveal the truth. Through discreet tactics, use of technology, and proprietary software, we are able to provide you with an in-depth investigation to bring the truth forward.
  • Surveillance
    • General surveillance can provide a plethora of information about an individual, group of people, or other businesses. Our security solutions offer various forms of surveillance; depending on your specific needs, we tailor our approach in the most appropriate way to ensure anonymity.
    • Our remote video surveillance is a cost effective alternative to traditional surveillance methods. We utilize the newest technologies and best practices to ensure a low-profile investigation and provide you with all of the data that we collect.

Some business matters require protection of high-interest individuals or resources. Especially in unfamiliar or foreign locations, personal security of your significant assets is necessary. Consider employing a combination of these services:

  • Discreet Protective Services
    • Our protective security solutions are discreet and covert. High-interest individuals will not appear protected to an unaware eye, but rest assured that they are covered from every angle. Our security personnel are trained in a variety of ways to protect personnel while staying out of the general public’s view. They are also trained to identify warning signs of violence and apprehend threats before they are able to take action.
  • Privacy and Safety Planning
    • Planning for any circumstance before, during, and after an event is necessary for the protection of high-value personnel. We work with you to create a route, plan, and course of actions that ensure the protection of your personnel. Despite any varying circumstances, our teams coordinate in advance so that there are no flaws in the security plan at any point.
  • Site and Venue Advances
    • Before your high-profile personnel or valuable assets travel to a new location, we intensively investigate the area in advance. We communicate with nearby businesses, residents, and other people within the surrounding area to thoroughly understand the environment in which your business’s assets are traveling to. Our investigative officers secure the entire property and identify potential vulnerabilities. Utilize our security services to scout out sites or venues before a significant anticipated event.
  • Armed and Unarmed Personnel
    • Dependent on the individual and the setting, some security solutions may require armed protection. We offer both armed and unarmed personnel for your executive protection security solution. Our organization works with yours to develop the most appropriate and effective security team to ensure the protection of some of your most valuable profiles.

Employee dismissals create an environment where strong emotions can overpower rational thought processes. If you have concerns about letting go of an employee, contact us to ensure the safety of your business’s assets and personnel. Our expert advice and procedures assist in:

  • Employee Pre-discharge Planning
    • In the event that an employee dismissal raises concerns, having security protocols in place can prevent any hostile or unwanted behavior. Planning for the worst-case scenario allows your business and its’ personnel to have a course of action in the event that an employee discharge takes a violent or destructive turn.
  • Threat Assessment
    • If your management is unsure of the threat that an employee poses, consider utilizing our threat assessment services. Our security solutions evaluate the likelihood that an employee poses a threat to your organization’s personnel or property. Through a series of unique psychological evaluations and investigative tactics, we are able to accurately identify if an employee poses a risk. If a threat is found to be likely, an employee pre-discharge plan can be implemented to support the safety of your business.
  • Workplace Protection
    • Appointing a workplace Security Officer to reside within your business provides benefit in a few ways. Guests, employees, and other staff of the building are kept safe in any event that requires protective oversight. Security Officers communicate with police and EMT’s in the case of a violent or medical emergency. They also assist in greeting patrons of the building, and they deter criminal activity simply through their presence in the facility.
    • If an individual or a group of people within your organization is in need of armed/unarmed protection within the workplace, our security solutions are conducted by some of the industry’s best. Temporary or event-based workplace protection is a great way to secure your facility for a predetermined amount of time. Especially in the event of employee discharge, using our workplace protection security services provides peace of mind that your business and its people are kept safe.
  • Surveillance Operations
    • For a multitude of reasons, conducting surveillance on a current or prospect employee, individual of interest, or someone who poses a threat to any of your organization’s assets can assist in preventing liability and damages. With surveillance operations, you take the first step in addressing a potential cause for concern and potentially eliminate it before it becomes a problem. Surveilling an employee who is set to be dismissed from your organization can also assist in determining a risk factor for violent or unwarranted behavior.
  • Protective Personnel Service
    • If a threat is likely or imminent, making use of our security solutions can provide safety and protection to your high-interest personnel. In the dismissal of an employee with unpredictable behavior, protective personnel services are the best route to ensure no damages or injuries occur.

Hiring the best people for your organization requires thorough vetting and pre-screening. We offer a range of human resources support, including:

  • Employee Background Checks
    • Review prospect employees’ entire background history to confirm that they are an accurate fit for your business. Their criminal history is considered to make sure their credentials match or exceed your organization’s requirements.
  • Pre-employment Interviews
    • Pre-employment interviews provide insight to the type of people that wish to become a part of your team. We offer a vigorous pre-employment screening to determine the personality, work ethic, and overall fit of an applicant for your business.
  • Detailed Pre-employment Investigations
    • If your organization wishes to delve deeper into the history of an applicant, our detailed pre-employment investigations reveal their criminal, financial, and employment history. Our security solutions reveal a plethora of data about the applicant to confirm that nothing is off the record and that they are a correct fit for your business.
  • Embezzlement Investigation
    • Our in-depth and intensive investigations uncover your missing finances in the case of embezzlement. Employ our security solutions to determine if employees of your organization have embezzled money .
  • Theft Interviews
    • In an instance of theft from your business, we conduct intensive interviews that assist in uncovering what was taken and by whom. Our trained professionals utilize industry best-practices to gather the truth from the suspected individual(s) while preventing untruthful information from being recorded.
  • Loss Prevention
    • To prevent instances of theft, consider employing our security services to add accountability to your inventory and avoid losses to your organization. Our loss prevention solutions are uniquely tailored to your business. We work directly with you to determine the most appropriate protocols to implement.
  • Managerial Training
    • Our managerial training services offer tactics, advice, and critical thinking processes that help your management team be more successful in their roles. Our training provides an emphasis on communication, teamwork, and teaches best practices for promoting a prosperous work environment. We also offer services that train management personnel to recognize even miniscule signs of drug use in the workplace, as well as best practices for upholding safety protocols.
    • Read more about our drug recognition and managerial safety training here.

Most people are capable of getting through a basic interview, but if they’re hiding something, your business needs to know. Before allowing someone to join your team, make sure you haven’t missed critical indicators of a security concern, risk for turnover, or other key factors that could influence an employment offer.

STT provides a variety of background screening services for employers: investigative interviews, criminal background checks, residency information, driving records, employment and education verification, and more.

Our employee vetting services support your organization’s requirements for hiring new personnel. Whatever your standards are, our team’s experience reinforces them to ensure you bring aboard only the best employees for your business.

The most important decision you can make as an employer is the selection of your employees. 81% of people will lie during a job interview. It is human nature to exaggerate when we are competing against others for something we want – such as an open position with your business.

Drawing out the truth is a challenge for even the most experienced professionals. Our private investigators are trained to recognize when an applicant is withholding relevant information or when they are embellishing their qualifications. Our areas of concentration include employment history, education, turnover, qualifications, attendance, disciplinary actions, falsification of applications, criminal behavior, use of illegal drugs, theft from past employers, and more.

Let STT Security Services conduct intensive interviews that reveal the truth about the people who wish to work for your organization. Through effective design, questioning techniques, and years of experience, our team will help you identify deceptive applicants, reduce turnover, and therefore become more profitable.

A great deal of information can be gathered by a trained detective. Allow us to deploy our private investigators to the environment where a suspected offense is occurring. Drug use, theft, or embezzlement are a few of the reasons our clients have trusted us to uncover the truth about their employees.

Reach out to us for a free consultation if you believe you have an issue that needs investigating.