
5-Year Anniversary: Shellie Haggart

By |2023-06-07T13:11:15-04:00May 30th, 2023|Employees, STT News|

Congratulations on 5 years of service, Shellie! Thank you for all you do! STT Security's Accounting Manager, Shellie Haggart, celebrated 5-years with STT this month! Join us in congratulating her on this milestone and read our interview with her below: When did you start working for STT? I started on May 14th, 2018! Denise

5-Year Anniversary: Jason Maxson

By |2023-03-09T12:59:02-05:00March 9th, 2023|Employees, STT News|

Congratulations on 5 years of service, Jason! Thank you for all you do! STT Security Safety Director Jason Maxson recently celebrated 5 years of service! Join us in congratulating him on this milestone by reading our interview with him below:   When did you start working for STT? I started five years ago, working as

Eagle Eye Award: Jake Urban

By |2022-10-27T14:00:25-04:00October 27th, 2022|Employees, STT News|

STT Security Officer Jacob Urban was recently at the center of an armed assailant situation. Due to his quick thinking, consideration for others, and irrefutable dependability, Officer Urban has received STT Security's Eagle Eye award. Read more about the events that unfolded in our interview with Officer Urban below: A couple months back, I

Eagle Eye Award: Marhea Fay

By |2022-10-18T13:17:08-04:00October 18th, 2022|Employees, STT News|

STT Security Officer Marhea Fay recently received the Eagle Eye award! She is recognized for an act of kindness and support to an elderly patron at a sporting event. With temperatures above 80 degrees, Fay identified an elderly patron struggling with heat exhaustion. Officer Fay went out of her way to escort the guest

10-Year Anniversary: Don Denslow

By |2022-08-12T12:25:19-04:00August 12th, 2022|Employees, STT News|

Congratulations on 10 years of service, Don! Thank you for all you do! Field Operations Supervisor Don Denslow celebrates his 10-year anniversary with STT Security this month! Read our interview with Don detailing his time with STT over the past decade:   When did you start working for STT? I can't believe it's been 10-years;

Employee Spotlight: Esther Martinez

By |2022-05-02T11:01:45-04:00April 25th, 2022|Employees, STT News|

STT Security Officer Esther Martinez has been selected for this month's Employee Spotlight! Officer Martinez has been recognized by her supervisor for her outstanding commitment to her role: "Esther Martinez has been one of the best people to ever work for STT. She is always willing to help improve the work environment not only for

5-Year Anniversary: Scott Longas

By |2022-04-18T21:57:44-04:00April 18th, 2022|Employees, STT News|

Congratulations on 5 years of service, Scott! Thank you for all you do! STT Security Supervisor Scott Longas celebrated his 5-year anniversary with STT over the past weekend! Read what Scott had to say about his time with STT below: (And if you know Scott personally, don't forget to wish him a happy birthday this

Training the Mind – Firearms, De-escalation, & Use of Force Training – STT Security

By |2022-02-28T17:03:48-05:00February 11th, 2022|Employees, Industry News, Services, STT News|

“The most important thing that a person has is not their firearm, it’s their mind. If they can think through problems, work through problems, then they become problem solvers. That’s what we need, people that are thinking about what is happening, who are able to solve problems without using force, and who can

20-Year Anniversary: Eric Turney

By |2022-01-24T14:00:22-05:00January 24th, 2022|Employees, STT News|

Congratulations on 20 years of service, Eric! Thank you for all you do! STT Security's Regional Supervisor Eric Turney celebrated his 20-year anniversary with the company this month! We've highlighted some of Eric's experiences below:   When did you start working for STT? Back in 1994, I was working at [a mall] as in-house security

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