Current Employees
Employee Spotlight
Our staff is the core of our business. Recognizing the dedication to their roles is one way that we like to show off our employees and honor the work they do for us.
Once a month, we select an employee who has received praise from a client, guest, or our management team. We conduct a brief interview with the employee and write a blog post detailing their background, employment history with us, and some other fun questions. The employee spotlights allow us to learn more about our personnel and lets us brag about them on our social media profiles!
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Brittany Aikens
Where are you from? Bay City, MI.
When did you begin working for STT? I began working for STT back in January of 2018.
What drew you to security work? This is actually a fun question. One of my older brothers started off as a security officer in a hospital and turned that into his career path. I have always looked up to him. When the supervisor position opened up [for STT Security], I grabbed ahold of the opportunity to start my own career; best decision I have ever made.
What do you like about working for STT? There is actually a lot I like about working for STT, but the people in this company are very supportive and assist in any way that they can. On top of that, the training and the paperwork are easy to understand and complete.
What do you enjoy most about your job? What I enjoy most about the job is how well the company finds qualified employees; they set a bar for professionalism and performance. It helps the employee gain practical knowledge about the industry and also provides a chance for upward mobility. [STT] does a good job at helping their employees achieve all the goals they have. They work side-by-side with their employees to set firm guidelines and clear expectations.
What does an average day of work look like? The average day of work for me is working with a great team to ensure the safety of our guests; I also work hand-in-hand with the client’s management personnel. I conduct various tasks such as patrols inside and outside, and I make sure the electrical rooms and water rooms are secure and running within their given parameters.
What’s your most interesting security-story (as in, what’s your favorite story from something that happened at work)?
My favorite story has to be when I returned a lady’s wedding ring to her. I was patrolling the common area when I saw this woman turn towards me with tears running down her face. My heart drops whenever I see anyone that upset. I approached her and asked if there was anything I could do to help her. She simply shook her head and told me she was taking her wedding ring in to get cleaned up for her vow renewal the coming weekend, but she had dropped it somewhere and couldn’t find it. She continued to explain how her husband had the ring specially made for her because of her love for sunflowers. I asked her to describe her ring to me in a little more detail. Once she told me a detailed description, I knew it had to be the ring that I had found and logged no more than an hour before. I asked her to come down to my office and that I believed I had her ring. Once I unlocked the box and showed the ring to her, she threw her arms around me and gave me a hug. I will never forget the look on her face. Anytime that I can help someone is a good day at work.